
Cancer Legal Care does not provide financial assistance or gift cards.
For financial assistance, please contact the social worker at your cancer clinic as they will have options and resources for you. We highly recommend contacting our friends at Angel Foundation to learn about the financial resources they have available.
Cancer's financial toxicity is real. Cancer Legal Care can help address the financial stress you are experiencing in several ways, including:
- explaining employment protection laws that might help you to keep your job,
- preparing and filing an application for Social Security disability benefits, which provides both cash benefits and insurance coverage, and allows you to keep your full award without any fees taken out,
- making sure that insurance covers what it is required to and that provider billing errors don't end up as a wrongful out-of-pocket cost that you are responsible for, and
- helping to create the legal documents you and your family may need to assist in your care.
We can also make referrals in confidence to other agencies and partners who provide financial planning, budgeting, and tax assistance.
Give us a call to get started, 651-917-9000.